Developing an optimistic approach to life!

  1. Make a list

Carry around a pocket notebook in which you write any negative thoughts that keep popping in your head. Review the list frequently and create a new list by reframing each pessimistic phrase with a positive statement. For instance “I am fat” can be replaced by “today I will eat consciously.” Remember to read the positive list every single morning and this way you will fill your cup with positive energy for the day.

  • Appreciate good stuff

You can generate a surge of optimism by refocusing your attention on the more positive aspects of any situation. For instance, if you are frustrated with the stress of your job, look at the total picture and list 5 things you appreciate about your professional life. Review the list frequently and you will realise that it is not as bad as it seems. If you discover that it is not, then it might be time to leave!

  • Make good will deposits

Each time you say something kind or positive to another person or go out of your way to do a good deed there will be at least 2 impacts. First, it will be as though you have made a deposit into an account where that person can store up positive feelings about you. That way you will know that the good will come in handy in the future. Most of us expect that same person to show us good will but that is not necessarily how the low of nature works. That good will must be expected from absolutely anywhere in the universe and you surely shall receive it without a shadow of doubt. Second, your positive gesture towards another person will probably provide a lift in your own attitude.

  • Resist naysayers

Sometimes that negative dialogue is not all in your head. Pessimistic people drain your energy and pull you off track. Avoid negative people when you can and try to not let them bring you down when their company is unavoidable. When you must deal with angry or disrespectful persons try to summon up feelings of compassion for their anger. Then, observe your negative emotions stimulated by their attitude or behaviour and open your heart to let those feelings float away. This way you will avoid carrying other people’s baggage that tends to weigh you down often times than not.

  • Talk to people

Pessimists may isolate themselves when facing difficulties which can make things worse. When things are not going well, resist your urge to curl up in a hole. Instead seek ways to enjoy even small positive connections with other people. If thing are troublesome in one sector, for instance work, find new or renewed optimism by structuring happier interactions in other parts of your life.

  • Plan for the worst

If you have a strong pessimistic streak, naturally you start thinking about all the things that could go wrong. If you are worrying about developments that are out of your control remind yourself that there is no point in torturing yourself when there is nothing you can do.  But when you are thinking about things within your span of control your best bet may be to create a contingency plan. When you have a worst case plan in place, it’s easier to shift your focus away from your worries.

  • Smile!

If you put on a happy face and act like an optimist you are likely to actually experience an emotional uplift. The upswing in your mood may continue to build when other people return your smile. It is not everyone in the world that is conspiring against you.

Acknowledging Beverly E. Jones – join the conversation.


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