
Executive Presence in Leadership

It is an awesome year and there is so much to look forward to as the year is still young and so much is yet to unfold. The SNWGL would like to welcome you back to this page, we had to take time off to sort out a few irregularities in order to provide you... Continue Reading →

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A 10 Step Guide to Ease Sole Parenting for Women

Being a sole parent can be a challenging role, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. As a mother raising children on your own, you may face unique challenges and obstacles, but with the right mindset and support, you can thrive in this role. Here are some tips for navigating the journey of sole parenting... Continue Reading →

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Developing an optimistic approach to life!

Make a list Carry around a pocket notebook in which you write any negative thoughts that keep popping in your head. Review the list frequently and create a new list by reframing each pessimistic phrase with a positive statement. For instance “I am fat” can be replaced by “today I will eat consciously.” Remember to... Continue Reading →


PART 1 Extortion - the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. (In this case its sex through withholding a service or creating unnecessary firewalls such that a service is unattainable by the general populas). Sex - sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into... Continue Reading →

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